The energy transition: the scientific workshop
The scientific workshop was attended by 380 participants on both days, including 120 students (mainly from master’s degrees). On the other 260 participants, 21% were PhD. students and post-docs and 30% came from EDF and other companies.
Two fruitful days
The first day, led by Philippe Rocher (Cabinet Métrol), was more institutional, dedicated to the major challenges of energy and to the organization and state of the art of research in response to these challenges. A highlight was the conference by Jonathan Elkind, assistant Secretary at the Energy Department of the United States (US DOE), on the Mission Innovation implemented at an international level as a result of COP 21. The presentations are available here.
The second day was more scientific, animated by the Scientific Council of the workshop. It was structured around four specialized sessions on solar energy, nuclear energy, industrial energy efficiency and electric vehicles. The scientific review is available here:
Some young researchers
In addition to the scientific workshop, a poster session took place on October 4th, 2016, in order to highlight the PhD students and young researchers of Université Paris-Saclay. It brought together approximately 70 contributions from virtually all research departments of the university. Twenty posters had been pre-selected by the Scientific Council which then awarded, on October 5th, 2016, the prize of the best posters to eight students. The eight award-winning posters are available here.
Enfin, Thibault Cantat, jeune chercheur au CEA - un membre de l'Université Paris-Saclay - et titulaire d'une bourse de l'European Research Council (ERC), a fait une présentation scientifique de clôture du workshop sur le thème de la valorisation du CO2. Sa présentation est disponible ici :