Lebanese students: exemption of tuition fees for the 2020-2021 academic year
Université Paris-Saclay is implementing an exceptional measure for Lebanese students for the academic year 2020-2021 by exempting them from registration...
Recent changes in administrative procedures for incoming international students
The French Ministry of Internal Affairs has taken new important measures to improve the conditions of arrival and stay of...
Paris Region FP : opening of 52 post-doctoral fellowships
Paris Region Fellowship Programme: Université Paris-Saclay as a partner of the COFUND project obtained by the Ile-de-France region and co-funded...
First EUGLOH Summer School
Université Paris-Saclay and SOLEIL organised the first EUGLOH Summer School. This first edition, entirely online, was focused on large-scale facilities...
35 highly cited scientists
Biology and Biochemistry, Clinical Medicine, Computer sciences and Digital, Genomics, Pharmacy, Nanosciences, Signals and Systems, Geosciences, Environment, Ecology, Immunology, Physics...