Researcher portraits
Hugo Valentin, co-founder of the Briofood project, winner of the ‘Start-up for the world of tomorrow’ Prize
The Briofood project aims to feed the world without destroying our planet, using sustainable, nutritious and tasty ingredients like spirulina...
Researcher portraits
Second edition of the Buddy Programme Call for projects: 3 projects for 2022
After a first successful edition in 2020, the 2021 Buddy Programme Call for Projects was launched in June 2021 and...
Equality - Diversity - Disability
Week for the elimination of sexual and gender-based violence – 22 to 26 November 2021
Each year, people experience sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). This violence can manifest itself in varied forms: physical, sexual (from...
Inauguration of ENS Paris-Saclay
On Tuesday 9 November 2021, the French Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Frédérique Vidal, inaugurated ENS Paris-Saclay’s new...
Patrick Duvaut appointed Vice President of Université Paris-Saclay, reponsible for the Fondation Paris-Saclay Université
Patrick Duvaut, University Professor, has been appointed Vice President at Université Paris-Saclay, responsible for the Fondation Paris-Saclay Université. He began...
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits