FCYI - French Club of Young Immunologists
The Societé Française d'Immunologie (SFI) encourages you to join the French Club of Young Immunologists (FCYI) !

What is the French Club of Young Immunologists?
The club was created in 2020 and is hosted by the SFI to bring together young scientists working in France in the field of immunology (regardless of your nationality or position), as well as french immunologists working abroad.
The FCYI aims to:
- Create a network of early career immunologists.
- Increase communication between young French immunologists and connect young and experienced immunologists.
- Promote the place of young immunologists in France.
What we do ?
- Regular scientific webinars (presentations by PhD students and post-docs). Selected presenters will be awarded to present to the whole community at “Les jeudis de la SFI” !
- Special thematic / technological webinars with keynote speakers.
- Career-oriented webinars (next one in january on how to prepare for the Concours CR (inserm/cnrs), to be announced !).
- "Young Immunologists" sessions that take place during the SFI annual congress.
- Public outreach actions (support to go in schools to talk about immunology to kids :)
How to join our club ?
- Connect to the SFI website with your member account (yearly contribution is not mandatory but highly recommended with advantages) : https://immunology.fr/
- Register as FCYI member: https://immunology.fr/club/ji-sfi/